is SSL?
SSL Stands for Secure
Sockets Layer. Webpages that are secure start with
a web address like 'https:' instead of 'http:' -
You can also see if a page is secure by looking
at the bottom right of your browser to see if there
is a little 'lock' graphic like this on it:
As a site owner,
you would want an SSL certficate if;
- you have
an online store or accept online orders and
credit cards
- your business
partners log in to confidential information
- you have offices
that share confidential information over an
- you process sensitive
data such as address, birth date, license, or
ID numbers
- you need to comply
with privacy and security requirements
an SSL Certificate
provides two SSL certificate options and ssl certificate
installation services for hosted clients. To get
an SSL certificate you must have a dedicated IP
for your domain, a dedicated IP costs $4 per month
and can easily be set up.
Please contact us for
more information.
SSL Basic
SSL Premium
- Designed
for lower volume commerce sites
- True
128/256-bit SSL encryption
- Instant
Signup process(as little as 5 Minutes)
- Automated
online validation - no paperwork
- Compatible
with 99% of all browsers
- Easy
- Single
root trusted SSL certificate
- Fully
- 30 day
money back guarantee
- unlimited
re-issuance policy
- Free
Simple Site Seal

contact us
for more information.
- Highest
levels of security
- Designed
for extremely high volume sites
- Advanced
next generation technology
- True
128/256-bit SSL encryption
- 2
factor, 2nd generation validation:
- Fully
automated 10 minute provisioning
- Automated
online validation - no paperwork
- Easy
to install
- Compatible
with 99% of all browsers
- Single
root trusted SSL certificate
- ChoicePoint
Unique Identifier (CUI)
- 7
Day refund policy
- Site
